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Can VR help prevent teen alcohol and drug abuse?

Researchers from Griffith University in Queensland, Australia believe that a virtual reality (VR) house party app called Blurred Minds: Perfect Pour can help prevent teens from abusing drugs and alcohol.

The research team describes the app as an ‘innovative gamified alcohol education program.’ The app lets users enter a VR house party where illegal drugs and alcohol are present. The scenes in the app are filmed using real actors and do not rely on computer-generated images.

Users of the app are required to choose whether they wish to use drugs or alcohol at the simulated party. If they do, they can choose the quantities they will use. The app then demonstrates the results of the choices using realistic, 360-degree VR simulation. Educators can then use the app in a classroom setting, to challenge their students to make consequential decisions about drug and alcohol use. The developers hope that their app will make educating students about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse more effective.

The app uses mobile VR via a smartphone headset and is available for both Android and iOS devices. The research team plans to conduct trials at several Catholic schools in Queenstown, evaluating the app’s effectiveness to change students’ perceptions of drug and alcohol use and reduce their risky behaviour.

The Australian study is not the first attempt to use VR to try to reduce drug and alcohol use. Researchers in China and Korea have also conducted similar studies, with promising results.

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