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Legal high surge – new psychoactive substances enter global market

A new study has revealed the extent of the drug problem caused by the production of legal high drugs.

According to the UN, legal highs, also known as new psychoactive substances (NPS), have been found for the first time in the Seychelles and Peru. The UN’s annual report, which was published on Friday, claims that there has been a 20% increase in the production of legal highs, which have a negative impact upon health, bringing the number of substances available to 541.

Legal highs. which are created in laboratories in south-east Asia, and produce identical effects to that of ecstasy and cannabis, are now available in 95 countries across the globe, with the majority being reported in Africa, Asia and Europe. Peru, notorious for its cocaine production, has also seen an increase in the production of the synthetic drugs, which the UN claims is due to farmers spotting an alternative and legal source of extra income.

A Peruvian farmer, who once grew the coca bush that is used to develop cocaine, said “I do not have to hide any more. I am proud of what I produce. I pay taxes and I can now provide my whole family with health insurance.”

Despite the increase of legal high use, the UN report states that the number of worldwide drug users has remained stable, with approximately 5% of adults using drugs. The number of deaths related to drug use was recorded at 187,000 during 2013.

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