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Green Apple party drug is being sold in Philippine schools

A party drug that goes by the name of Green Apple is reportedly being sold in schools and universities in the Philippines. The drug was designed as a replacement for ecstasy and Fly High, which is a mixture of ecstasy, shabu (methamphetamine) and Cialis.


Fly High and ecstasy are popular among club goers in cities such as Manila, but it is rare for party drugs to be dealt in schools.


Green Apple helps people to stay alert. It is designed as a sexual performance enhancer but apparently students are finding that it helps them to concentrate on their work; however, Green Apple may pose some serious health problems because it has been linked with an enhanced heart rate.


Both the National Bureau of Investigation and the Dangerous Drugs Board in the Philippines are now making attempts to locate the dealers and put an end to the dealing.


Dealers are thought to be buying Green Apple online and selling it on to students. The drugs are often left by the dealers in agreed locations, such has under chairs and tables, so that there is never any exchange recorded on CCTV or witnessed by a teacher or other student.


Green Apple is still a legal drug in the Philippines, but the Dangerous Drugs Board has said that it needs to have its status changed to that of an illegal drug.


The drug was linked with teenager deaths in the UK last year, when it was a new unknown substance. The drug has a delayed response and several teenagers took several pills and overdosed; one had a fatal heart attack.


Green Apple has since been declared illegal in Europe; however, the Independent reported in May this year that students were still abusing it.

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