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South Africa has world’s highest drunk driving incidence

An international survey of drunk driving found that South Africa had the highest incidence in the world, at 58%. Canada ranked second at 34%, while China ranked last, at 4%.

The South African Police Service (SAPS), in conjunction with other state and local authorities, is making a strong effort to reduce this rate – a major contributor to the country’s abysmal statistics of injuries and deaths in automobile accidents.

A SAPS website, promoting zero tolerance of drunk driving, notes that it can take only one drink to raise a diver’s blood alcohol level to exceed the legal limit of 0.05%.

The website states that drivers who consume more than 350ml of beer or one shot of liquor might exceed the legal limit, with the high level of alcohol remaining in the driver’s system for as long as eight hours.

Drivers stopped and arrested for drunk driving may be held in jail until they post bond, and could face a fine of R2,000 (£115), two years imprisonment, or both. They could also have their driver’s license suspended or revoked. Also, the SAPS warned drivers would then have a criminal record that could negatively affect their employment opportunities and family relationships.

The SAPS suggested that people should cut down on drinking or not get behind the wheel until they are sober. If possible, the SAPS recommended that people arrange in advance for a ride home when they plan to consume alcohol to avoid being stranded.

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