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Campaign to protect children from under-age drinking

Lichfield District Council is launching a new campaign to reduce alcohol abuse. It aims to address the issue of under-age drinking and the core of the campaign is asking parents the simple question: “Where is your child tonight?”

Part of the campaign includes new local activities to keep teenagers and young adults occupied in the evenings. Often youngsters complain that there is nothing to do in the evening; many eventually get seduced into the world of alcohol abuse.

Councillor Andrew Smith, cabinet member for leisure and parks, said: “We all want to keep our children safe; however, young people are vulnerable and may get involved in illegal activities such as under-age drinking. This is why we’re launching a campaign to remind parents that they should ask their children where they are, who they are with, and what they are up to.”

So far the activities on offer include dance, trampolining, football and street cheer; children only have to pay 50p or £1 to join in. It is hoped that as more low-cost activities become available children will no longer complain that there is nothing to do in the area and that the lure of hanging out with others and drinking alcohol will be reduced.

Parents or guardians who are worried that their children may have a drink or drugs problem can contact Parents Against Drug Abuse (PADA) for advice and support on 0800 023867.

If you are a young adult and are concerned about your own alcohol consumption or a drug problem, you can call  T3, Staffordshire’s young person substance misuse support service, in confidence on 01785 241393.

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