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Cannabis clubs on the rise in the UK

There are 49 cannabis clubs in the UK where people meet to discuss the cultivation of cannabis, its medicinal use and campaign to have it legalised. Members also sample different varieties and get high together.

The head of the London Cannabis Club spoke to the Guardian, saying: “I guess it’s like wine-tasting – but with cannabis. People come to exchange samples, try new strains and have a chat.” The London Cannabis Club is the largest club in the UK Cannabis Social Clubs (UKCSC) group.

The UKCSC was formed in 2011 to provide a safe environment for members to exchange information, ideas and experiences about cannabis. Members remain anonymous and the club has clear rules stating that there should never be any dealing in cannabis on club premises. The clubs are for those who already use cannabis.

Many of the members take their cannabis very seriously and use the club environment to analyse various products for impurities, such as mite faeces, and also to share cuttings from plants. Many use cannabis for medicinal purposes and teach others which plants work best for different ailments.

The clubs bring together pensioners, students, bankers and bricklayers, who openly share their favourite hobby with each other.

London’s leader goes by the pseudonym of Orson Boon. He is a health professional and explained what inspired him to help set up a club: “A lot of my work has been out of the UK where I have seen how effective cannabis has been on patients suffering all kinds of illnesses. I understand cannabis can have bad effects and can be abused – like anything. But when used correctly it is a very different story, “ he said.

Orson, like many other cannabis users, no longer smokes cannabis with tobacco. Instead he vaporises it and inhales the cannabis with steam. The cannabis clubs are keen to promote the healthy uses of cannabis.

It is illegal to grow, possess and sell cannabis in the UK, but health research has demonstrated that it is effective in treating some conditions, especially chronic pain. The UKCSC’s main objective is to legalise cannabis for medicinal use.

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