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COVID-19 may increase overdose-related deaths, health officials worry

For addiction, there is a correlation between weeks in isolation and an increase in deaths related to a drug overdose.

The pandemic is a cause of concern to health officials about the safety of people suffering from substance use disorders.

The fire and rescue department in Jacksonville, Florida, noted a 20% increase in overdose emergency calls during March.

In New York, more than four counties have seen an increase in overdoses.

In Erie County, 110 overdoses have been reported since March 2020, of which, 36 resulted in a tragic outcome.

James Kennedy Jr, a US attorney, fears that social isolation combined with numerous pandemic headlines may have a negative psychological effect, triggering hopelessness and despair.

This is especially felt by those struggling with substance abuse.

Health officials speculate that many factors may contribute to overdose-related deaths, with social distancing for syringe exchange services and addiction clinics not helping with this.

Those suffering from opioid and heroin use disorder need to visit a clinic daily to stock up essential medication, such as methadone.

Due to restricted access and reduced staffing, clinics have accommodated needs by allowing users to stock up on weeks’-worth of medications in advance.

To keep overdose-related deaths to a minimum during the pandemic, local officials are also making it easier for communities to get Naloxone, also known as Narcan, which has proved to be a lifesaving tool in the opioid crisis.

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