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More students suffering from drunkorexia

Drunkorexia may sound like a made-up word, but it is a real and serious condition. Drunkorexia is a condition that arises in those who become alcoholic or simply avoid eating so they can spend more time or money on drinking. Students are prone to the condition due to a shortage of money, many of whom are simply choosing to drink instead of eat properly.

Young male students are starving themselves so that they can spend more money on alcohol. The result is malnutrition and weight loss. As alcoholic beverages contain so many calories, many people do not lose much weight initially; however, over time, weight loss does become a problem.

Young female students are also suffering from this condition, but they are more likely to deliberately avoid food to keep their calorie intake to a minimum level. Like their male peers, they prefer to drink alcohol than consume food. The reasons are different but the outcomes are the same.

The problem is that both young men and women are putting their long-term health at risk. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause irreversible damage. Many young students are suffering from the same health problems as seasoned alcoholics, include cirrhosis of the liver.

The biggest problem, however, is that drinking heavily on an empty stomach is more likely to cause seizures, which is why people ‘black out’ when drunk. These blackouts cause brain damage.

Many parents are unaware that the problem exists, and few parents – even in the age of Facebook – know how much their children are drinking while away at university.

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