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New American legislation stops benefits for drug users

An American businessman has managed to push through legislation in Macomb County, Michigan that will stop unemployment insurance benefits for those who fail a drugs test.

Under the new law any job-seeker who fails a pre-employment drug test will receive the option to have treatment for substance abuse; if treatment is successful, they can apply for employment with the company again. The bill does not require employers to inform the state agency that oversees unemployment benefits of failed drug tests.

Republican Ken Goike, a Ray Township Republican, saw his bill become state law after two years of campaigning. This controversial change is currently being piloted for one year. At the end of the initial 12-month period, lawmakers will vote on whether the new law is continued or ceased.

Mr Goike, who runs the family excavating business, said: “There’s got to be personal responsibility in people’s actions. This is common sense legislation.”

Mr Goike’s bill was based on reports that as many as 50% of job-seekers in Macomb County are failing drugs tests.

The change in law does not require all companies to drug test prospective employees – only those companies that already have a drug testing policy in place.

It is unlikely that such a law would be allowed in the UK, as currently government advice is that businesses may only test after a conditional job offer has been made.

While it is good to discourage unemployed people from taking drugs, it is also vital that all those who fail a drug test are given adequate support to help them to stop abusing drugs.

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