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Scotland’s Drug Deaths Taskforce report: latest information and responses

Most people are familiar with the UK’s 10-year plan to clamp down on the supply and demand for drugs and significantly boost treatment and recovery systems. This drive highlighted the need for interventions on different tiers and the geolocation of high-risk areas.


Since announcing this initiative in December 2021, Scotland came under the spotlight for its concerning drug death rates. According to the National Records of Scotland, the latest statistics reflect 1,330 deaths in 2021.


While recognising the 1% decrease from previous years, authorities acknowledged that these drug-related fatalities remain out of hand. Subsequently, the Scottish government established a temporary Drug Deaths Taskforce to specifically investigate drug deaths and what can be done to counter the phenomena.


Recent findings from the Drug Deaths Taskforce


The Drug Deaths Taskforce published its final report on 12th January 2023. Its findings recorded how more than 80 actions formed part of the Changing Lives scheme and how the £68m from the cross-government action plan backed these interventions.


The report also confirmed that many of the 20 recommendations and 139 action points are being addressed. New announcements and fund distributions included:


  • £30m going to the NHS territorial Boards from April 2023 to support specific drug treatment services in primary care settings.
  • £18m towards stabilisation and crisis care services on top of the £100m for residential rehabilitation.
  • £4.3m for a Stigma Action Plan that drives awareness and combats stereotypes.
  • £5.5m to support affected children and families, which includes the already established Routes initiative for younger people.
  • £3.4m in additional funding for a workforce action plan and the expansion of the Addiction Workers Training Programme.
  • £3.3m for the extension of trauma training.
  • £2.4m for the improved care of people suffering from co-occurring mental health and substance abuse conditions.
  • £500,000 towards a pilot for the concessionary travel scheme to include those with a substance dependency.


How drug testing features in the bigger scheme of things


The multi-tiered nature of funding and support programmes extends to drug testing at all levels. Matrix Diagnostics follows a comprehensive approach that includes onsite screening and laboratory-based testing services.


These multifunctional drug testing techniques ensure the covering of all relevant spheres to expedite results, identify red flags, and format timely responses and treatment. This testing includes the identification of new psychoactive substances (NPS), previously known as ‘legal highs’.


NPS can alter moods or act as stimulants, giving users the same effect they would experience when taking substances such as cannabis, ecstasy or cocaine. This makes workplace drug testing for NPS especially important as they affect an individual’s work performance, social interaction and community participation.


Drug (and alcohol) testing is the pillar behind the success of any drug-combatting drive. These simple yet effective procedures:


  • Enable authorities to run tests at all levels, such as residences, workplaces and prisons.
  • Highlight negative and positive trends that inform approaches and changes to treatment programmes.
  • Catch usage problems early on so that issues can be addressed before they escalate.


Partnering with a professional drug testing agency is crucial in government programmes. This institution acts as a support and an invaluable resource.

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